OP Blox Fruits Script 2023 | Instant Level Ups 1-2400

strongman simulator script

This is an OP Blox Fruits script if you want to unlock new content and get thousands of skill points to spend. You can get from level 1 to 2400 in a few minutes and the best part is you don’t have to do a thing.

  • Instant Level Ups (1-2400)

How to use Blox Fruits scripts

If you don’t know how to use the Blox Fruits script hack below here is what you have to do

  1. Pick an exploit from this page – Roblox Injectors/Exploits (Free & Paid)
  2. Download the exploit you chouse
    When downloading be sure your antivirus is off. But why? All exploits will show up as viruses but they are not harmful. Read more in-depth about why Roblox exploits are showing up as viruses – How To Use Roblox Scripts & Safety
  3. Open it
  4. When you open the game press Inject or Attach
  5. Paste in the Script
  6. Press Execute
  7. That’s it, you can now enjoy the script

By any chance, if you still don’t understand something or you are having problems there are video tutorials here – How To Use Roblox Scripts

Be sure to join my partner’s discord server for an awesome Roblox exploiting community. Here you will find more scripts, tutorials, and more  – Discord Server

Blox Fruits Script Instant Level Ups

local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Notification = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Notification)
local Data = plr:WaitForChild("Data")
local EXPFunction = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("EXPFunction"))
local LevelUp = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Effect.Container.LevelUp)
local Sound = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Util.Sound)
local LevelUpSound = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Util.Sound.Storage.Other:FindFirstChild("LevelUp_Proxy") or game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Util.Sound.Storage.Other:FindFirstChild("LevelUp")
function v129(p15)
local v130 = p15;
while true do
local v131, v132 = string.gsub(v130, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", "%1,%2");
v130 = v131;
if v132 == 0 then
return v130;

Notification.new("<Color=Yellow>QUEST COMPLETED!<Color=/>"):Display()
Notification.new("Earned <Color=Yellow>1,000,000,000,000 Exp.<Color=/> (+ None)"):Display()
Notification.new("Earned <Color=Green>$25,000<Color=/>"):Display()
plr.Data.Exp.Value = 999999999999
plr.Data.Beli.Value = plr.Data.Beli.Value + 25000

delay = 0
count = 0
while plr.Data.Exp.Value - EXPFunction(Data.Level.Value) > 0 do
plr.Data.Exp.Value = plr.Data.Exp.Value - EXPFunction(Data.Level.Value)
plr.Data.Level.Value = plr.Data.Level.Value + 1
plr.Data.Points.Value = plr.Data.Points.Value + 3
LevelUp({ plr })
Sound.Play(Sound, LevelUpSound.Value)
Notification.new("<Color=Green>LEVEL UP!<Color=/> (" .. plr.Data.Level.Value .. ")"):Display()
count = count + 1
if count >= 5 then
delay = tick()
count = 0

Credit – Not Mentioned

In case a script is not working be sure to comment that it is not working and include the exploit you are using.